
How To Make Your Mattress Firmer?

27 Mar, 2023

Ensuring your mattress provides the right support is crucial for a restful sleep. Whether you're dealing with a sagging memory foam mattress, a too-soft pillow top, or simply need to make your bed firmer, finding ways to make your mattress firmer can alleviate discomfort and improve your sleep experience. This guide offers practical solutions to increase the firmness of your mattress, from simple home remedies to long-term fixes.

What Causes a Mattress to Lose Firmness?

Over time, mattresses can lose their firmness due to various reasons, including:

Wear and Tear: Constant usage can lead to natural wear and tear, causing the mattress to become less firm.

Age: Typically, mattresses have a lifespan of 7-10 years, depending on the quality of the material used. They gradually lose their capacity to offer proper support as they age, resulting in reduced firmness.

Moisture: Exposure to moisture, from sweat or spills, can damage the foam or spring layers, reducing firmness.

Poor Quality: Low-quality mattresses may lose firmness faster than higher-quality options.

Mattress Bedroom Set

Mattress Bedroom Set

How Can We Make It Firmer?

Understanding the causes of decreased mattress firmness, let's explore how to make your mattress firmer:

Box Mattress

Box Mattress

Rotate and Flip Your Mattress Regularly: Maintain and even enhance firmness by rotating and flipping your mattress periodically. This evens out wear and prevents sagging. Rotate your mattress every three months and flip it every six months if double-sided. For mattresses that cannot be flipped, like those with a memory foam layer or a pillow top, rotate from head to toe to prevent impressions.

Add a Mattress Topper: To make your mattress firmer, consider adding a mattress topper. Toppers are removable layers that add support and comfort. Choose from materials like latex, memory foam, or wool. Latex and memory foam toppers are particularly effective for increasing firmness, while wool helps with temperature regulation and moisture management.

Discount Mattress Factory

Discount Mattress Factory

Use Plywood: Placing a plywood board between the mattress and the box spring can add support and prevent sagging. Ensure the plywood is the same size as your mattress for even support.

Replace Your Box Spring: A worn-out box spring can undermine mattress firmness. Check that the new box spring is compatible with your mattress and offers robust support.

Adjust the Bed Frame: Enhance support by tightening the bed frame's screws and nuts or adding additional supports. Consider upgrading to a more robust frame if necessary.


Enhancing the firmness of your mattress can significantly improve sleep quality by reducing discomfort and pain. Techniques like rotating your mattress, adding a supportive topper, or updating your box spring and bed frame can make your mattress firmer and more comfortable.

In the market for a new mattress? Consider DREAMLEADER for a variety of mattress types at great prices, including foam, hybrid, and promotional mattresses. Don't miss out on achieving the perfect sleep setup at an affordable price!

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